Ed Services » Professional Development

Professional Development

Educational Leadership is here to support staff and students. Please click HERE for a list of Professional Developments being offered throughout the year.



Additional iReady Resources:

  • Tools for Instruction (TFI): short, skill-specific lessons designed to target students’ needs. Each TFI can be completed in approximately 10–20 minutes, depending on the complexity of the skill being taught. 
    • Available for Reading and Math Grades K - 8
    • Mathematics available in Spanish (Grades K - 6), and Spanish Reading (Grades K - 6)
    • Your educators access these directly under "Assess and Teach" on the Dashboard.
    • How do I access Tools for Instruction?
  • Tools for Scaffolding Comprehension: lesson plans that provide a pathway to grade-level instruction by targeting the most important concepts and skills students need to access upcoming reading comprehension outcomes.
  • i-Ready Personalized Instruction 
    • Students work on their My Path to address their greatest areas of need
    • Teachers can use lessons as a whole class or small group to launch or review instruction
  • Learning Games: interactive games, personalized based on Diagnostic data to strengthen understanding of mathematics concepts through challenging practice
    • Provide practice on specific concepts or skills
    • Use for math centers, stations or homework
  • i-Ready Reading Fluency Resources: these resources are available to you whether or not you administer the Literacy Tasks 
  • Standards Mastery: we can also work with your educators on using Standards Mastery as an Instructional Tool