Human Resources » AB2534 Prospective Certificated Hiring Evaluation

AB2534 Prospective Certificated Hiring Evaluation

For Applicants of South Bay Union School District
As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with Education Code Section 44939.5 (as amended by California AB2534), applicants for certificated positions are required by law to provide a complete list of every school district, county office of education, charter schools, and /or state special school with which you have previously been employed, regardless of the length of service. This includes local education agencies outside the state of California. For all certificated positions, please be comprehensive in disclosing any part-time, full-time, or substitute employment.
As such, applicants for certificated positions must download this form, complete the position titled “Applicant Section”, and attach each form to your application. Please complete and submit one form for each Local Educational Agency (LEA).
Failure to disclose any previous educational employment will result in the disqualification of your application.
For Local Education Agencies (LEAs) and Previous SBUSD Employees
As of January 1, 2025, in accordance with Education Code Section 44939.5 (as amended by California AB2534) South Bay Union School District is required to disclose if, while employed by the District, an employee was ever the subject of any creditable complaints of, substantiated investigations into, or discipline for, egregious misconduct, as defined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a) of section 44932, that was required to be reported to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing. If the answer is yes, South Bay Union must provide all relevant records in their possession regarding the egregious misconduct when responding to the inquiry.
Please contact us to the number below if you are a hiring agency looking to employ a previous South Bay Union School District employee and are seeking information as it relates to Ed Code 44939.5 (as amended by AB2534).
Questions? Please contact Human Resources @ 619-628-1690.